Amulet for wealth and good luck: how it works and where to buy, cost

It's no secret that many businessmen, celebrities and just successful people have their own amulet that brings wealth and good luck. To attract blessings, pendants with runes and pentagrams, rings with semi-precious stones, animal figurines and much more are used. Among the many such talismans, the amulet from the royal coin, known as the Imperial, stands out.

How do amulets work?

At first glance, in the age of scientific discoveries and technological progress, magic has sunk into oblivion. However, it is not. There are people who carefully preserve and pass on from generation to generation the knowledge of their ancestors, restore lost spells, recipes and rituals. Ancient amulets have incredible power. They affect their owner energetically, charge him and give him a huge potential.

good luck amulet

New opportunities suddenly open up before a person, he concentrates on the right things, makes useful connections, he understands how to achieve the desired goal. Troubles and failures pass him by.

How do amulets of luck and wealth work? The action of any magical things is based on energy-informational changes. Man is not just a physical shell. The subtle body can be influenced, not visible to the human eye. It can be an energy message or a magical thing. In the physical world, each object has specific energy properties - the intensity and frequency of radiation, the ability to interact with the fields of other objects, etc.

Some of them can directly affect the physical world (for example, a magnet). The action of amulets is based on the natural properties of the material, enhanced by a magical conspiracy, prayer, ritual or symbolism.

History of the Imperial Amulet

The Imperial amulet begins its history of existence in the 17th century. For the first time it was made by the deacon of the monastery. In times of unrest, when the threat of death from the conspirators hung over the young king, he was forced to flee. Arriving at the monastery, the king fell ill.

The state of affairs was extremely precarious. Then the deacon, wishing to help the king, made for him a magical amulet for good luck. Taking a coin as a basis, he spent the night in prayer, and in the morning handed it over with the words: "From now on, luck will always be on your side, it will bring you victory over enemies, untold wealth and power. May the Lord be with you! "

Soon the conspirators were defeated and imprisoned in a monastery, and the king came to power and became the first emperor. With his coming to power, the dynasty flourished. According to legend, each subsequent emperor had his personal amulet from the royal coin.


good luck amulet pendant

Today, many people live near the poverty line. They are forced to work from morning to night, receiving pennies, which are barely enough to buy what they need. Entrepreneurs fail, get into debt. Meanwhile, a neighbor buys a second car without making any special effort. The money seems to float into his hands. This is called success, luck. To win over fortune, you need the Royal amulet. How it works:

  • promotes career advancement;
  • affects debts and debtors;
  • gives the owner luck in everything, including lottery draws;
  • helps to accumulate and increase the monetary condition;
  • promotes business expansion;
  • brings success in any financial transactions, negotiations.

The imperial amulet is endowed with positive energy, which is transferred to the owner. With it, a person gains confidence and strength, makes the right decisions. There comes a clear understanding of where and how to move on, what needs to be done in order to achieve the desired goal.

How is the amulet made and where can I buy it?

During the revolution, the Bolsheviks desecrated the shrines of the monastery, and its servants were forced to flee abroad. The secret of the Imperial Amulet was seemingly lost forever. However, years later the monastery was restored. Today people come from all over to bow to its shrines.

The secret of the Royal amulet is sacredly kept to this day. If desired, you can even order such an amulet for yourself or a loved one. They make it from a real imperial coin, speaking with special prayers in the name of a person. As you can imagine, this creates certain difficulties. There are not so many royal coins left, so the number of amulets is limited.

It is worth mentioning that other banknotes are not suitable for creating an Imperial amulet. Also worthless are coins that have been obtained dishonestly, stolen or counterfeit.

What else do you need to know about the amulet?

In order for the amulet to bring good luck and wealth, simply acquiring it and putting it on a shelf is not enough. The thing should be near the owner as much as possible, nourish his energy. You can use the coin as a pendant, carry it in your wallet or purse. It is recommended to occasionally hold the talisman in your hands and mentally ask him for what you want. During important transactions or negotiations, the amulet should also be at hand.

It is not advisable for strangers to show the talisman, and even more so to give it into their hands. It is not recommended to give or sell your amulet. Remember, it is charged for a specific person. At the end of the life path, it can be inherited by children.


Despite the name production and limited batches, the amulet still managed to find some fame for itself. Today it is discussed by dozens and hundreds of people across the country. Here is what people who have experienced the effect of the amulet on themselves write on the Internet:

round amulet of good luck

"It just so happened that for 10 years I had to deal with illnesses. All the money went to treatment, a huge debt was formed.

Money did not stay in the family, the struggle for survival began. I turned to psychics, but failures and lack of money still haunted me. By chance, an article about amulets caught my eye, and I decided that this was my last chance. I borrowed money and ordered an Imperial amulet. I wear it and carry it with me all the time. Gradually she paid off her debts, made repairs with her husband. We live without complaining about anything, and even have the opportunity to save money for a "rainy day"

"Hello. I want to tell you how the amulet helped my daughter. From childhood, my girl was well-mannered, obedient, she always studied perfectly. Yes, and her appearance is attractive - slender, hair below her shoulders. The only thing, a little shy, shy. She was unlucky in her personal life, all her girlfriends were already married, and she didn’t even really go on dates.

I decided to give her the Royal amulet for good luck. My daughter liked it . . I won’t say that right away, but gradually my girl blossomed. I became self-confident, met a wonderful guy from a very worthy family. I proposed to her the other day. I can say with confidence that the royal coin is an amulet of good luck and wealth and love.

"To believe or not in the power of the amulet, everyone decides for himself. Personally, it brings me luck and money. I won’t say that I became a millionaire, but the income definitely increased. I finally bought a car, and now I'm saving for a country house.

"Until recently, I was skeptical about magic, amulets and other similar things. I decided to buy a royal coin, only because a good friend advised me. My business was not going very well, tax audits, nothing to pay for the rent, I was already thinking about closing the outlet. But with the amulet, the cash flow improved. I'm already thinking about expanding. "

amulets for good luck

"I hasten to share my success! I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or not, but after acquiring the amulet, a week later I was promoted to the store manager! I am very satisfied, I look forward to positive changes in the future! "

There are no negative reviews about the amulet in the vastness of the Internet. It looks like the magic of the royal coin is really effective. Or maybe its owners just believed in it very strongly. It's no secret that miracles happen only to those who sincerely believe in them and wait.

The imperial amulet has tremendous power. However, in order for it to show itself to its full potential, it is necessary not to make a mistake yourself. It is very important to burn with the desire to change fate, look for opportunities and make efforts to achieve what you want. Then luck and wealth will not keep you waiting.